Here is a project I created for the GDC'24 Adobe Substance 3D booth presentation. I wanted to show the power of this newly implemented stylization tool in Sampler. I scanned the artichoke and directly in Sampler added the stylization filters. I also used this project to test out the new Modeler update. With the new inflate, and other brush tool improvements, I was able to carve into the base of this ceramic vase which felt so close to real life clay workflow. I really enjoyed the process of creating this weird vase. Congrats to the product teams on such a great update! 
Here is a little breakdown of how the scanned artichoke looked initially and the second and third iteration with Stylization filter and Color Variation in Sampler 
The vase was created in Substance 3D Modeler and the textures in Painter
All created in the Adobe Substance Suite : )
Artichoke Vase